@ -0,0 +1,151 @@
## Admin
♦ css_addadmin <steamid> <group> <immunity>
♦ css_removeadmin <steamid>
♦ css_ban <player> <time> <reason>
♦ css_unban <steamid>
♦ css_say <message> - sends message to all players
♦ css_csay <message> - sends centered message to all players
♦ css_dsay <message> - <message> - sends hud message to all players
♦ css_hsay <message> - <message> - sends hud message to all players
♦ css_asay <message> - <message> - sends message to admins
♦ css_chat <message> - <message> - sends message to admins
♦ css_psay <#userid|name> <message> - sends private message
♦ css_mute <#userid|name|all @ commands>
♦ css_unmute <#userid|name|all @ commands>
♦ css_gag <#userid|name|all @ commands>
♦ css_ungag <message> - <#userid|name|all @ commands>
♦ css_silence <#userid|name|all @ commands>
♦ css_unsilence <#userid|name|all @ commands>
♦ css_tmute <#userid|name> <time> - Imposes a timed mute
♦ css_smute <#userid|name> <time> - Imposes a timed mute
♦ css_tunmute <#userid|name> - Unmute timed mute
♦ css_sunmute <#userid|name> - Unmute timed mute
♦ css_tgag <#userid|name> <time> - Imposes a timed gag
♦ css_sgag <#userid|name> <time> - Imposes a timed gag
♦ css_tungag <#userid|name> <time> - Ungag timed gag
♦ css_sungag <#userid|name> <time> - Ungag timed gag
♦ css_kick <#userid|name> <reason>
♦ css_changemap <map>
♦ css_map <map>
♦ css_workshop <map>
♦ css_wsmap <map>
♦ css_rcon <args>
♦ css_cvar <cvar> <value>
♦ css_exec <exec>
♦ css_who <#userid|name or empty for all>
♦ css_vote <question> [... Options ...]
♦ css_freeze <#userid|name|all @ commands> <time>
♦ css_unfreeze <#userid|name|all @ commands>
♦ css_gravity <gravity>
♦ css_revive <#userid|name|all @ commands>
♦ css_respawn <#userid|name|all @ commands>
♦ css_noclip <#userid|name|all @ commands> <value>
♦ css_weapon <#userid|name|all @ commands> <weapon>
♦ css_strip <#userid|name|all @ commands>
♦ css_sethp <team> <health> - Sets team players' spawn health
♦ css_hp <#userid|name|all @ commands> <health>
♦ css_speed <#userid|name|all @ commands> <value>
♦ css_god <#userid|name|all @ commands> <value>
♦ css_team <#userid|name|all @ commands> <value>
♦ css_swap <#userid|name>
♦ css_bury <#userid|name|all @ commands>
♦ css_unbury <#userid|name|all @ commands>
♦ css_clean - Clean weapons on the ground
♦ css_glow <#userid|name|all @ commands> <color>
♦ css_beacon <#userid|name|all @ commands> <value>
♦ css_slap <#userid|name|all @ commands> <damage>
♦ css_slay <#userid|name|all @ commands>
♦ css_rename <#userid|name> <newname>
## MatchZy
# Usage Commands
Most of the commands can also be used using ! prefix instead of . (like !ready)
`.ready` Marks the player ready
`.unready` Marks the player unready
`.forceready` Force-readies the player's team (Only works when using Match setup using JSON/Get5)
`.pause` Pauses the match in freezetime (Tactical or normal pause, depends on `matchzy_use_pause_command_for_tactical_pause`).
`.tech` Pauses the match in freezetime.
`.unpause` Request for unpausing the match. Both teams need to type .unpause to unpause the match
`.stay` Stays on the same side (For knife winner, after the knife round)
`.switch`/`.swap` Switches the side (For knife winner, after the knife round)
`.stop` Restore the backup of the current round (Both teams need to type .stop to restore the current round)
`.tac` Starts a tactical timeout
`.coach <side>` Starts coaching the specified side. Example: `.coach t` to start coaching terrorist side!
# Practice Mode Commands
`.spawn <number>` Spawns to the provided competitive spawn number of same team
`.ctspawn <number>` Spawns to the provided competitive spawn number of CT
`.tspawn <number>` Spawns to the provided competitive spawn number of T
`.bot` Adds a bot on user's current position
`.crouchbot` Adds a crouched bot on user's current position
`.boost` Adds a bot on current position and boosts player on it
`.crouchboost` Adds a crouched bot on current position and boosts player on it
`.ct`, `.t`, `.spec` Changes player team to the requested team
`.fas` / `.watchme` Forces all players into spectator except the player who called this command
`.nobots` Removes all the bots
`.clear` Clears all the active smokes, molotoves and incendiaries
`.fastforward` Fastforwards the server time to 20 seconds
`.noflash` Toggles immunity for flashbang (it will still blind others with noflash disabled)
`.dryrun` Turns on dry-run mode
`.god` Turns on god mode
`.savenade <name> <optional description>` Saves a lineup
`.loadnade <name>` Loads a lineup
`.deletenade <name>` Deletes a lineup from file
`.importnade <code>` Upon saving a lineup a code will be printed to chat, alternatively those can be retrieved from the savednades.cfg
`.listnades <optional filter>` Lists either all saved lineups ever or if given a filter only those that match the filter
`.break` Breaks all the breakable entities (glass windows, wooden doors, vents, etc)
`.rethrow` Rethrows your last thrown grenade
`.timer` Starts a timer immediately and stops it when you type .timer again, telling you the duration of time
`.last` Teleports you back to where you threw your last grenade from
`.back <number>` Teleports you back to the provided position in your grenade history
`.delay <delay_in_seconds>` Sets a delay on your last grenade. This is only used when using .rethrow or .throwindex
`.throwindex <index> <optional index> <optional index>` Throws grenade of provided position(s) from your grenade thrown history. Example: `.throwindex 1 2` will throw your 1st and 2nd grenade. `.throwindex 4 5 8 9` will throw your 4th, 5th, 8th and 9th grenade (If you've added delay in grenades, they'll be thrown with their specific delay).
`.lastindex` Prints index number of your last thrown grenade.
`.rethrowsmoke` Throws your last thrown smoke grenade.
`.rethrownade` Throws your last thrown HE grenade.
`.rethrowflash` Throws your last thrown flash.
`.rethrowmolotov` Throws your last thrown molotov.
`.rethrowdecoy` Throws your last thrown decoy.
# Admin Commands
`.start` Force starts a match.
`.restart` Force restarts/resets a match.
`.forcepause` Pauses the match as an admin (Players cannot unpause the admin-paused match). (`.fp` for shorter command)
`.forceunpause` Force unpauses the match. (`.fup` for shorter command)
`.restore <round>` Restores the backup of provided round number.
`.roundknife` / `.rk` Toggles the knife round. If disabled, match will directly go from Warmup phase to Live phase.
`.playout` Toggles playout (If playout is enabled, all rounds would be played irrespective of winner. Useful in scrims!)
`.whitelist` Toggles whitelisting of players. To whitelist a player, add the steam64id in `cfg/MatchZy/whitelist.cfg`
`.readyrequired <number>` Sets the number of ready players required to start the match. If set to 0, all connected players will have to ready-up to start the match.
`.settings` Displays the current setting, like whether knife is enabled or not, value of readyrequired players, etc.
`.map <mapname>` Changes the map
`.asay <message>` Say as an admin in all chat
`.reload_admins` Reloads admins from `admins.json`
`.team1 <name>` Sets name for Team 1 (CT by default)
`.team2 <name>` Sets name for Team 2 (Terrorist by default)
`.prac` Starts Practice Mode
`.exitprac` Exits from practice mode and loads Match mode.
`.rcon <command>` Sends command to the server
`.shuffle` 随机分配所有人队伍
Reference in new issue