8.3 KiB
♦ css_rcon css_set_pushscale <0/1> - 关闭/开启 PushScale 修复 (用于修复足球踢不动问题)
♦ css_rcon css_shuffle_on_round_end <0/1> - 关闭/开启 回合结束后出现25仔
♦ css_rcon css_auto_alltalk <0/1> - 关闭/开启 回合结束后自动开启全局语音, 新回合自动关闭全局语音
♦ css_rcon css_auto_respawn <0/1> - 关闭/开启 Course 地图自动复活与处死检测
♦ css_pay <SPECIFIC> <CashNum> - 给某人 $CashNum
♦ css_pay_force <SPECIFICA> <SPECIFICB> <CashNum> - 强制 A 给 B $CashNum
♦ css_pay_toggle - 开启/关闭 CashPaySteal
♦ css_pay_steal <0/1/2> - 设置作用目标 - 0: 所有人 1: 仅活人 2: 仅死人
♦ css_ban <player> <time> <reason>
♦ css_unban <steamid>
♦ css_say <message> - sends message to all players
♦ css_csay <message> - sends centered message to all players
♦ css_dsay <message> - <message> - sends hud message to all players
♦ css_hsay <message> - <message> - sends hud message to all players
♦ css_asay <message> - <message> - sends message to admins
♦ css_chat <message> - <message> - sends message to admins
♦ css_psay <#userid|name> <message> - sends private message
♦ css_mute <#userid|name|all @ commands>
♦ css_unmute <#userid|name|all @ commands>
♦ css_gag <#userid|name|all @ commands>
♦ css_ungag <message> - <#userid|name|all @ commands>
♦ css_silence <#userid|name|all @ commands>
♦ css_unsilence <#userid|name|all @ commands>
♦ css_tmute <#userid|name> <time> - Imposes a timed mute
♦ css_smute <#userid|name> <time> - Imposes a timed mute
♦ css_tunmute <#userid|name> - Unmute timed mute
♦ css_sunmute <#userid|name> - Unmute timed mute
♦ css_tgag <#userid|name> <time> - Imposes a timed gag
♦ css_sgag <#userid|name> <time> - Imposes a timed gag
♦ css_tungag <#userid|name> <time> - Ungag timed gag
♦ css_sungag <#userid|name> <time> - Ungag timed gag
♦ css_kick <#userid|name> <reason> - 踢人
♦ css_map <map> - 换图
♦ css_workshop <map> - 换工坊图
♦ css_rcon <args> - 执行服务器指令
♦ css_cvar <cvar> <value> - 设置 <cvar> 值为 <value>
♦ css_exec <exec> - 执行 CFG
♦ css_who <#userid|name or empty for all> - 查户口
♦ css_vote <question> [... Options ...] - 发起投票
♦ css_freeze <#userid|name|all @ commands> <time>
♦ css_unfreeze <#userid|name|all @ commands>
♦ css_gravity <gravity>
♦ css_respawn <#userid|name|all @ commands>
♦ css_noclip <#userid|name|all @ commands> <value>
♦ css_weapon <#userid|name|all @ commands> <weapon>
♦ css_strip <#userid|name|all @ commands>
♦ css_sethp <team> <health> - Sets team players' spawn health
♦ css_hp <#userid|name|all @ commands> <health>
♦ css_speed <#userid|name|all @ commands> <value>
♦ css_god <#userid|name|all @ commands> <value>
♦ css_team <#userid|name|all @ commands> <value>
♦ css_swap <#userid|name>
♦ css_bury <#userid|name|all @ commands>
♦ css_unbury <#userid|name|all @ commands>
♦ css_clean - Clean weapons on the ground
♦ css_glow <#userid|name|all @ commands> <color>
♦ css_beacon <#userid|name|all @ commands> <value>
♦ css_slap <#userid|name|all @ commands> <damage>
♦ css_slay <#userid|name|all @ commands>
♦ css_rename <#userid|name> <newname>
Usage Commands
Most of the commands can also be used using ! prefix instead of . (like !ready)
Marks the player ready
Marks the player unready
Force-readies the player's team (Only works when using Match setup using JSON/Get5)
Pauses the match in freezetime (Tactical or normal pause, depends on matchzy_use_pause_command_for_tactical_pause
Pauses the match in freezetime.
Request for unpausing the match. Both teams need to type .unpause to unpause the match
Stays on the same side (For knife winner, after the knife round)
Switches the side (For knife winner, after the knife round)
Restore the backup of the current round (Both teams need to type .stop to restore the current round)
Starts a tactical timeout
.coach <side>
Starts coaching the specified side. Example: .coach t
to start coaching terrorist side!
Practice Mode Commands
.spawn <number>
Spawns to the provided competitive spawn number of same team
.ctspawn <number>
Spawns to the provided competitive spawn number of CT
.tspawn <number>
Spawns to the provided competitive spawn number of T
Adds a bot on user's current position
Adds a crouched bot on user's current position
Adds a bot on current position and boosts player on it
Adds a crouched bot on current position and boosts player on it
, .t
, .spec
Changes player team to the requested team
/ .watchme
Forces all players into spectator except the player who called this command
Removes all the bots
Clears all the active smokes, molotoves and incendiaries
Fastforwards the server time to 20 seconds
Toggles immunity for flashbang (it will still blind others with noflash disabled)
Turns on dry-run mode
Turns on god mode
.savenade <name> <optional description>
Saves a lineup
.loadnade <name>
Loads a lineup
.deletenade <name>
Deletes a lineup from file
.importnade <code>
Upon saving a lineup a code will be printed to chat, alternatively those can be retrieved from the savednades.cfg
.listnades <optional filter>
Lists either all saved lineups ever or if given a filter only those that match the filter
Breaks all the breakable entities (glass windows, wooden doors, vents, etc)
Rethrows your last thrown grenade
Starts a timer immediately and stops it when you type .timer again, telling you the duration of time
Teleports you back to where you threw your last grenade from
.back <number>
Teleports you back to the provided position in your grenade history
.delay <delay_in_seconds>
Sets a delay on your last grenade. This is only used when using .rethrow or .throwindex
.throwindex <index> <optional index> <optional index>
Throws grenade of provided position(s) from your grenade thrown history. Example: .throwindex 1 2
will throw your 1st and 2nd grenade. .throwindex 4 5 8 9
will throw your 4th, 5th, 8th and 9th grenade (If you've added delay in grenades, they'll be thrown with their specific delay).
Prints index number of your last thrown grenade.
Throws your last thrown smoke grenade.
Throws your last thrown HE grenade.
Throws your last thrown flash.
Throws your last thrown molotov.
Throws your last thrown decoy.
Admin Commands
Force starts a match.
Force restarts/resets a match.
Pauses the match as an admin (Players cannot unpause the admin-paused match). (.fp
for shorter command)
Force unpauses the match. (.fup
for shorter command)
.restore <round>
Restores the backup of provided round number.
/ .rk
Toggles the knife round. If disabled, match will directly go from Warmup phase to Live phase.
Toggles playout (If playout is enabled, all rounds would be played irrespective of winner. Useful in scrims!)
Toggles whitelisting of players. To whitelist a player, add the steam64id in cfg/MatchZy/whitelist.cfg
.readyrequired <number>
Sets the number of ready players required to start the match. If set to 0, all connected players will have to ready-up to start the match.
Displays the current setting, like whether knife is enabled or not, value of readyrequired players, etc.
.map <mapname>
Changes the map
.asay <message>
Say as an admin in all chat
Reloads admins from admins.json
.team1 <name>
Sets name for Team 1 (CT by default)
.team2 <name>
Sets name for Team 2 (Terrorist by default)
Starts Practice Mode
Exits from practice mode and loads Match mode.
.rcon <command>
Sends command to the server